Register Here

Our programs have open enrollment all year. Please note that by enrolling, you are reserving a spot in the class whether you attend or not. Enrollment is for the entire month and carries over month to month until unenrolled. To enroll or unenroll, please visit our website or contact our office at (540) 539-6198.

All students will be charged an Annual Registration Fee, which is valid for the entire YEAR. However, if a student drops during the year, a 3-month grace period will be allowed for the student to return without paying a new registration fee. Beyond the 3-month grace period, a new registration fee will be charged upon re-enrollment. The Registration Fee is tiered for families with more than one student as follows: 1st Child – $60, 2nd Child – $50, 3rd Child and up – $40. The ‘year’ refers to 12 months from your date of enrollment.

NO refunds will be issued after the first class. If a student is injured or cannot attend for an extended period due to a situation of serious nature that prohibits any participation in the class, E.C.G.C. will issue a credit to the family’s account for future classes. Credits will be valid for up to one year. ‘Serious nature’ refers to a medical condition or emergency verified by a doctor’s note.

Tuition will be posted to accounts on the 1st of every month. Payments are due within the first week of the month, no later than the 7th. A Late Fee of $50 will be added to your account if payment is not received by the 7th of the month. If payment is not received by the 10th of the month, the student will be dropped from the class. Please make every effort to pay ahead of time if you know you will be unable to attend during the first week. If your child is sick that week, please call the office at (540) 539-6198. We will work with you as best as we can to avoid a Late Fee and being dropped from the class. Payments can be made by cash, check, or online through our Parent Portal. Please note that your child will not be allowed into class until payment is received, and our management system will automatically add the Fee on the 7th of the month, so please pay on time. Also, if paying by check, write your child’s first and last name in the memo of the check to ensure that the payment is credited to the appropriate account.

Please use common sense if your child is not feeling well or has a fever; keep them home! We offer make-up classes for these situations. There is no need to send a sick child to the gym to spread the illness. However, we DO NOT allow children to wear masks in the gym. While we understand some may worry about the latest illnesses, it is more dangerous for a child to wear a mask on their face and then be asked to flip around. Wearing a mask creates a high potential for the mask coming up over their eyes, causing them to fall and potentially suffer a greater injury. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. This policy is subject to change based on public health guidelines or mandates.

We allow two make-ups per month for missed classes, with the EXCEPTION of Holidays or Gym Closings. If you miss a class due to sickness or scheduling issues, please contact the office within 48 hours to schedule a Make-Up. Make-Ups MUST be made up in the same month. Due to our strict student-to-teacher ratio, if classes are FULL, then no make-ups are possible in those classes. There will be NO prorated tuition or refunds for missed classes, scheduled holidays, or Gym Closings.

PARENTS MUST NOTIFY THE OFFICE TO DROP A STUDENT FROM CLASS. This can be done through the Parent Portal by logging into your account and requesting to drop your class on a specific date. Please ensure all balances are paid before the request, or it will not be accepted. Alternatively, written notice can be given via email, regular postal mail, or placed in the payment box. Please be aware that if you drop anytime during the month, you will be responsible for the entire month’s tuition. Therefore, it is advisable to drop at the end of a month. No refunds will be given. Please provide notice of at least 15 days before the next month starts if you intend to drop a class. Failure to provide 15 days notice may result in a penalty fee of $58.

Boys or Girls may wear tucked-in T-shirts and shorts OR Leotards for Girls. NO chewing gum or dangling jewelry. Hair should be pulled neatly and securely away from the face to stay up for the entire workout. Girls should not wear bows or other large hair ornaments that may cause discomfort during activity. All students should have activity-appropriate footwear during class. Personal items should be left in cubbies. Jewelry should not be worn during classes. PLEASE LEAVE JEWELRY AT HOME. The facility’s staff will not be responsible for ANY items that may be lost or stolen. Be sure your student’s personal items are marked with their name. If you are unsure about the appropriateness of your child’s attire, please contact us for guidance.

Ensure your student arrives 5-10 minutes before (no earlier, please) his/her scheduled class time. Please pick up your student on time and inform us if you know you will be late picking up your student. Instruct your student to wait inside the building, and you should escort them from the building to your car. Do not take a chance on your student running to and from your car. During peak times, the parking lot is crowded. Please consider that our students may include young children and drive slowly and carefully.

We strive to keep the lobby and bathrooms clean. Please help by cleaning up after yourselves and your children. The lobby can be very busy during class start and end times; if you have little ones that are NOT participating in a class, keep them with you at all times. We do not have the staff to watch your child for you. Also, understand that the lobby can be very noisy with all the people coming and going. If your little one cannot sit and wait patiently, please take them outside. Children screaming in the lobby is very frustrating for other parents and makes it extremely difficult for the office staff to do their jobs. PLEASE, no gymnastics, tumbling, or other physical activity in the lobby. We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a pleasant and safe environment for everyone.

Thank you for adhering to our policies. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office. We are here to help.